Monster in the Deep...
Death, the creature living at the bottom of the sea, hasn't been heard from in over a millenium. Many believe he is just a myth. In a blend of magical realism and dark fantasy, we follow Princess Cephily as she embarks upon a dangerous quest to find her mother.
Following deep depressive episode, Anna, a pansexual, genderfluid physics student at Sul Ross State University embarks on a journey to Marfa, Texas to find answers after supernova Betelgeuse explodes and causes a cacophony of mysterious events.
*Check back for more later or email Amira directly for script samples*
Make sure we add a bunch of images / mood board here
A programmer in communication with Satoshi Nakomoto at the crux of the comeup of Bitcoin has high hopes for decentralized finance, but finds that his hopeful ideology does not result in the optimistic societal change he had dreamt of.